Tag #impact analysis
166 papers:
ICSME-2019-AsadGS #automation #program repair #semantics- Impact Analysis of Syntactic and Semantic Similarities on Patch Prioritization in Automated Program Repair (MA, KKG, KS), pp. 328–332.
ICSME-2019-Hanam0H #comprehension #semantics- Aiding Code Change Understanding with Semantic Change Impact Analysis (QH, AM0, RH), pp. 202–212.
ICSME-2019-Sae-LimHS #automation #predict #question- Can Automated Impact Analysis Techniques Help Predict Decaying Modules? (NSL, SH, MS), pp. 541–545.
CHI-PLAY-2019-HalabiWM #design #visual notation #visualisation- Assessing the Impact of Visual Design on the Interpretation of Aggregated Playtesting Data Visualization (NH, GW, PMB), pp. 639–650.
ICSME-2018-WenGRM #code review #overview #perspective- BLIMP Tracer: Integrating Build Impact Analysis with Code Review (RW, DG, MGR, SM), pp. 685–694.
ICSA-2017-RostamiHBR #architecture #information management #process- Architecture-Based Change Impact Analysis in Information Systems and Business Processes (KR, RH, AB, RHR), pp. 179–188.
ICPC-2017-BorgAR #behaviour- Software engineers' information seeking behavior in change impact analysis: an interview study (MB, EA, PR), pp. 12–22.
ICSME-2017-RaposC #modelling #named- SimPact: Impact Analysis for Simulink Models (EJR, JRC), pp. 489–493.
ICSME-2017-WangSYAN #automation #named- RCIA: Automated Change Impact Analysis to Facilitate a Practical Cancer Registry System (SW0, TS, TY0, SA0, JFN), pp. 603–612.
MSR-2017-GaoJ #case study #testing- An exploratory study on assessing the impact of environment variations on the results of load tests (RG, ZM(J), pp. 379–390.
SANER-2017-XavierBHV #api #scalability- Historical and impact analysis of API breaking changes: A large-scale study (LX, AB, ACH, MTV), pp. 138–147.
ICSME-2016-AngererPG #composition #configuration management- Modular Change Impact Analysis for Configurable Software (FA, HP, PG), pp. 468–472.
ICSME-2016-DemuthKEM #automation #case study #consistency #experience #tool support #traceability- Introducing Traceability and Consistency Checking for Change Impact Analysis across Engineering Tools in an Automation Solution Company: An Experience Report (AD, RK, AE, DM), pp. 529–538.
SANER-2016-RolfsnesABMB - Generalizing the Analysis of Evolutionary Coupling for Software Change Impact Analysis (TR, SDA, RB, LM, DWB), pp. 201–212.
SCAM-2016-MoonenARB #mining- Exploring the Effects of History Length and Age on Mining Software Change Impact (LM, SDA, TR, DWB), pp. 207–216.
SCAM-2016-SharmaS #dependence #named- Augur: Incorporating Hidden Dependencies and Variable Granularity in Change Impact Analysis (TS, GS), pp. 73–78.
AdaEurope-2016-Jones #ada #problem #testing- Addressing the Regression Test Problem with Change Impact Analysis for Ada (AVJ), pp. 61–77.
ASE-2016-CaiT #distributed #effectiveness #named #source code- DistIA: a cost-effective dynamic impact analysis for distributed programs (HC, DT), pp. 344–355.
FSE-2016-MartinSH #game studies- Causal impact analysis for app releases in google play (WJM, FS, MH), pp. 435–446.
FSE-2016-NejatiS0BM #automation #design #modelling #requirements- Automated change impact analysis between SysML models of requirements and design (SN, MS, CA0, LCB, FM), pp. 242–253.
TPDL-2015-TraubOH #quality #research- Impact Analysis of OCR Quality on Research Tasks in Digital Archives (MCT, JvO, LH), pp. 252–263.
SANER-2015-Abi-AntounWKGR #graph- Impact analysis based on a global hierarchical Object Graph (MAA, YW, EK, AG, VR), pp. 221–230.
SANER-2015-CaiS #dependence #effectiveness #framework- A framework for cost-effective dependence-based dynamic impact analysis (HC, RAS), pp. 231–240.
HIMI-IKD-2015-BurkhardtNGAK #modelling #policy #simulation #visualisation- Explorative Visualization of Impact Analysis for Policy Modeling by Bonding Open Government and Simulation Data (DB, KN, EG, AA, JK), pp. 34–45.
CIKM-2015-TymoshenkoM #ranking #semantics- Assessing the Impact of Syntactic and Semantic Structures for Answer Passages Reranking (KT, AM), pp. 1451–1460.
SEKE-2015-ZouCH #mobile #topic #user interface- Topic Matching Based Change Impact Analysis from Feature on User Interface of Mobile Apps (QZ, XC, YH), pp. 477–482.
SPLC-2015-KassmeyerSS #process #safety #variability- A process to support a systematic change impact analysis of variability and safety in automotive functions (MK, MS, MS), pp. 235–244.
ECOOP-2015-Alimadadi0P #hybrid #javascript- Hybrid DOM-Sensitive Change Impact Analysis for JavaScript (SA, AM, KP), pp. 321–345.
ASE-2015-AngererGPG - Configuration-Aware Change Impact Analysis (T) (FA, AG, HP, PG), pp. 385–395.
ESEC-FSE-2015-0002SGBZ #automation #named #natural language #requirements- NARCIA: an automated tool for change impact analysis in natural language requirements (CA, MS, AG, LCB, FZ), pp. 962–965.
SAC-2015-AlvesMM #case study #detection #fault #refactoring #test coverage- Test coverage and impact analysis for detecting refactoring faults: a study on the extract method refactoring (ELGA, TM, PDdLM), pp. 1534–1540.
SAC-2015-FerreiraFN #object-oriented- Mapping the potential change impact in object-oriented software (MMF, KAMF, HTMN), pp. 1654–1656.
PPoPP-2015-Gramoli #algorithm #concurrent- More than you ever wanted to know about synchronization: synchrobench, measuring the impact of the synchronization on concurrent algorithms (VG), pp. 1–10.
JCDL-2014-BrunelleKSWN - Not all mementos are created equal: Measuring the impact of missing resources (JFB, MK, HS, MCW, MLN), pp. 321–330.
MSR-2014-ZanjaniSK #commit #interactive #source code- Impact analysis of change requests on source code based on interaction and commit histories (MBZ, GS, HHK), pp. 162–171.
HCI-AIMT-2014-MattarW - Let’s Get Personal — Assessing the Impact of Personal Information in Human-Agent Conversations (NM, IW), pp. 450–461.
ICEIS-v2-2014-PanfilenkoEML #independence #model transformation #platform #recommendation #requirements- Recommendations for Impact Analysis of Model Transformations — From the Requirements Model to the Platform-independent Model (DVP, AE, CM, PL), pp. 428–434.
KDIR-2014-CainaRV #monitoring- Marble Initiative — Monitoring the Impact of Events on Customers Opinion (MFC, RPDR, AFV), pp. 403–410.
SEKE-2014-SalmanSD14a #concept analysis #using- Feature-Level Change Impact Analysis Using Formal Concept Analysis (HES, AS, CD), pp. 447–452.
ASE-2014-Angerer #multi #product line #variability- Variability-aware change impact analysis of multi-language product lines (FA), pp. 903–906.
ASE-2014-CaiS #dependence #named #precise #using- Diver: precise dynamic impact analysis using dependence-based trace pruning (HC, RAS), pp. 343–348.
SAC-2014-TragatschnigTZ #using- Impact analysis for event-based systems using change patterns (ST, HT, UZ), pp. 763–768.
CSMR-2013-LehnertFR #rule-based- Rule-Based Impact Analysis for Heterogeneous Software Artifacts (SL, QuaF, MR), pp. 209–218.
HCI-UC-2013-AminJGMS #latency #quality- Assessing the Impact of Latency and Jitter on the Perceived Quality of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (RA, FJ, JEG, JM, TS), pp. 97–106.
ICEIS-J-2013-BouneffaA13a #approach #graph grammar #ontology- The Change Impact Analysis in BPM Based Software Applications: A Graph Rewriting and Ontology Based Approach (MB, AA), pp. 280–295.
AMT-2013-AgirreES #architecture #automation #development #migration #modelling- Automatic Impact Analysis of Software Architecture Migration on Model Driven Software Development (JAA, LE, GS), pp. 52–61.
CSMR-2012-JaszSBOG #using- Impact Analysis Using Static Execute After in WebKit (JJ, LS, ÁB, CO, TG), pp. 95–104.
ICSM-2012-QuAR #testing #using- Configuration selection using code change impact analysis for regression testing (XQ, MA, BR), pp. 129–138.
ICSM-2012-RungtaPB #behaviour #evolution- A change impact analysis to characterize evolving program behaviors (NR, SP, JB), pp. 109–118.
ICSM-2012-Wilkerson #taxonomy- A software change impact analysis taxonomy (JWW), pp. 625–628.
ICSM-2012-YazdanshenasM #component #fine-grained #product line- Fine-grained change impact analysis for component-based product families (ARY, LM), pp. 119–128.
SCAM-2012-SchrettnerJGBG #clustering #dependence #using- Impact Analysis in the Presence of Dependence Clusters Using Static Execute after in WebKit (LS, JJ, TG, ÁB, TG), pp. 24–33.
ICEIS-v2-2012-ChenIAPGLMW #enterprise #scalability- Change Impact Analysis for Large-scale Enterprise Systems (WC, AI, AA, JP, CG, ML, TSEM, AW), pp. 359–368.
ECIR-2012-GaugazSDIGH #predict- Predicting the Future Impact of News Events (JG, PS, GD, TI, MG, NH), pp. 50–62.
SEKE-2012-ShinKKJR #configuration management #dependence #using- Reconfiguration of Robot Applications using Data Dependency and Impact Analysis (MES, TK, SK, SJ, MR), pp. 684–687.
SEKE-2012-SunLTZ #testing #using- Using FCA-based Change Impact Analysis for Regression Testing (XS, BL, CT, QZ), pp. 452–457.
SEKE-2012-ZhangLS #graph #mining- Mining Call Graph for Change Impact Analysis (QZ, BL, XS), pp. 7–12.
SPLC-2012-HeiderRGL #modelling #testing #using #variability- Using regression testing to analyze the impact of changes to variability models on products (WH, RR, PG, DL), pp. 196–205.
REFSQ-2012-WangLWZW #approach #dependence #simulation- A Simulation Approach for Impact Analysis of Requirement Volatility Considering Dependency Change (JW, JL, QW, HZ, HW), pp. 59–76.
FSE-2012-AcharyaR #industrial #slicing- Practical change impact analysis based on static program slicing for industrial software systems (MA, BR), p. 13.
FSE-2012-ZhangKK #evolution #fault #java #named #source code- FaultTracer: a change impact and regression fault analysis tool for evolving Java programs (LZ, MK, SK), p. 40.
ICSE-2012-GethersDKP - Integrated impact analysis for managing software changes (MG, BD, HHK, DP), pp. 430–440.
ECSA-2011-DiazPGW #architecture #product line- Change Impact Analysis in Product-Line Architectures (JD, JP, JG, ALW), pp. 114–129.
WICSA-2011-MichalikW #product line #towards- Towards a Solution for Change Impact Analysis of Software Product Line Products (BM, DW), pp. 290–293.
ICPC-2011-HassaineBGHA - Change Impact Analysis: An Earthquake Metaphor (SH, FB, YGG, SH, GA), pp. 209–210.
ICSM-2011-DamG #automation- Automated change impact analysis for agent systems (HKD, AG), pp. 33–42.
ICSM-2011-KobayashiMIHKY #fault #named #predict #scalability- ImpactScale: Quantifying change impact to predict faults in large software systems (KK, AM, KI, YH, MK, TY), pp. 43–52.
SEKE-2011-RebeloLKSCMRO #aspect-oriented #contract #design- Assessing the Impact of Aspects on Design By Contract Effort: A Quantitative Study (HR, RMFL, UK, CS, RC, AM, MR, CALO), pp. 450–455.
ASE-2011-AlvesGJd #slicing #using- Fault-localization using dynamic slicing and change impact analysis (EA, MG, VJ, Md), pp. 520–523.
ASE-2011-GethersKDP #adaptation #approach #source code- An adaptive approach to impact analysis from change requests to source code (MG, HHK, BD, DP), pp. 540–543.
ICSE-2011-AcharyaR #industrial #slicing- Practical change impact analysis based on static program slicing for industrial software systems (MA, BR), pp. 746–755.
ICSE-2011-Goeritzer #industrial #using- Using impact analysis in industry (RG), pp. 1155–1157.
SAC-2011-LiuCJ #aspect-oriented #object-oriented #source code- Change impact analysis for object-oriented programs evolved to aspect-oriented programs (CHL, SLC, WLJ), pp. 59–65.
SAC-2011-SunLZTCW #dependence #object-oriented #source code #using- Using lattice of class and method dependence for change impact analysis of object oriented programs (XS, BL, SZ, CT, XC, WW), pp. 1439–1444.
DAC-2011-AadithyaVDR #named #predict #probability #random- MUSTARD: a coupled, stochastic/deterministic, discrete/continuous technique for predicting the impact of random telegraph noise on SRAMs and DRAMs (KVA, SV, AD, JSR), pp. 292–297.
ECSA-2010-SaraivaSF #architecture #aspect-oriented- Assessing the Impact of AOSD on Layered Software Architectures (JS, SS, FCF), pp. 344–351.
DocEng-2010-AutexierM #documentation #semantics- Semantics-based change impact analysis for heterogeneous collections of documents (SA, NM), pp. 97–106.
CSMR-2010-MaiaBFG #hybrid #object-oriented- The Hybrid Technique for Object-Oriented Software Change Impact Analysis (MCOM, RAB, JCAdF, DDSG), pp. 252–255.
CSMR-2010-TothNJBF #named- CIASYS — Change Impact Analysis at System Level (GT, CN, JJ, ÁB, LJF), pp. 198–201.
WCRE-2010-KagdiGPC #concept #source code- Blending Conceptual and Evolutionary Couplings to Support Change Impact Analysis in Source Code (HHK, MG, DP, MLC), pp. 119–128.
IFM-2010-AutexierL #c #source code #verification- Adding Change Impact Analysis to the Formal Verification of C Programs (SA, CL), pp. 59–73.
SOFTVIS-2010-FollettH #dependence #named #visualisation- ImpactViz: visualizing class dependencies and the impact of changes in software revisions (MF, OH), pp. 209–210.
RecSys-2010-MelloAZ #learning #rating- Active learning driven by rating impact analysis (CERdM, MAA, GZ), pp. 341–344.
SEKE-2010-JuniorLAMW #learning #multi #using- Impact Analysis Model for Brasília Area Control Center using Multi-agent System with Reinforcement Learning (ACdAJ, AFL, CRFdA, ACMAdM, LW), pp. 499–502.
ICSE-2010-CeccarelliCCP #approach- An eclectic approach for change impact analysis (MC, LC, GC, MDP), pp. 163–166.
ICSE-2010-Filho - Change impact analysis from business rules (AOF), pp. 353–354.
ICSE-2010-Herzig - Capturing the long-term impact of changes (KSH), pp. 393–396.
ICSE-2010-Popescu #component- Impact analysis for event-based components and systems (DP), pp. 401–404.
ICSE-2010-Popescu10a #component #named- Helios: impact analysis for event-based components and systems (DP), pp. 531–532.
SAC-2010-ThapaS #process #refactoring- Assessing the impact of refactoring activities on the JHotDraw project (IT, HPS), pp. 2369–2370.
ICTSS-2010-DelamareMBT #aspect-oriented #named #testing #weaving- Vidock: A Tool for Impact Analysis of Aspect Weaving on Test Cases (RD, FM, BB, YLT), pp. 250–265.
ICPC-2009-PetrenkoR #precise- Variable granularity for improving precision of impact analysis (MP, VR), pp. 10–19.
ICPC-2009-ZhangDH #aspectj #tool support #visualisation- Impact analysis and visualization toolkit for static crosscutting in AspectJ (DZ, EDE, LJH), pp. 60–69.
ICSM-2009-WongC #logic #modelling #predict- Predicting change impact from logical models (SW, YC), pp. 467–470.
ICSM-2009-YokomoriSNI #component #framework #ranking #using- Assessing the impact of framework changes using component ranking (RY, HPS, MN, KI), pp. 189–198.
ICSM-2009-Yoo #metric #performance #using- Performance impact analysis with KPP using application response measurement in E-government systems (NY), pp. 503–506.
SEFM-2009-SubramaniamGP #finite #state machine #testing #using- Using Change Impact Analysis to Select Tests for Extended Finite State Machines (MS, BG, ZP), pp. 93–102.
CEFP-2009-TothBHLTK #behaviour #dependence #erlang #graph #source code #using- Impact Analysis of Erlang Programs Using Behaviour Dependency Graphs (MT, IB, ZH, LL, MT, TK), pp. 372–390.
CHI-2009-FarnhamMPANHL #community- Measuring the impact of third place attachment on the adoption of a place-based community technology (SF, JFM, YP, SA, DN, WRH, JL), pp. 2153–2156.
KMIS-2009-MingersL #comparison #web- Measuring the Impact of Knowledge — A Comparison of Web of Science and Google Scholar (JM, LL), pp. 112–116.
SEKE-2009-LounisAS #approach #maintenance #predict- Predicting Maintainability expressed as Change Impact: A Machine-learning-based Approach (HL, MKA, HAS), pp. 122–128.
WICSA-2008-SeoEMM #architecture #distributed #energy #framework- A Framework for Estimating the Impact of a Distributed Software System’s Architectural Style on its Energy Consumption (CS, GE, SM, NM), pp. 277–280.
DRR-2008-Lopresti #fault #recognition- Measuring the impact of character recognition errors on downstream text analysis (DPL), p. 68150.
ICSM-2008-ZhangGLZ #aspectj #source code- Change impact analysis for AspectJ programs (SZ, ZG, YL, JZ), pp. 87–96.
PASTE-2008-JashkiZB #performance #towards- Towards a more efficient static software change impact analysis method (MAJ, RZ, EB), pp. 84–90.
SCAM-2008-GermanRH #graph- Change Impact Graphs: Determining the Impact of Prior Code Changes (DMG, GR, AEH), pp. 184–193.
SEFM-2008-GuoS #finite #proving #state machine #theorem proving #using- Formal Change Impact Analyses of Extended Finite State Machines Using a Theorem Prover (BG, MS), pp. 335–344.
ECOOP-2008-CoelhoRGFCKSL #aspect-oriented #case study #exception- Assessing the Impact of Aspects on Exception Flows: An Exploratory Study (RC, AR, AG, FCF, NC, UK, AvS, CJPdL), pp. 207–234.
ICSE-2008-MauleER #database- Impact analysis of database schema changes (AM, WE, DSR), pp. 451–460.
CASE-2008-NugentHHFS #reliability- Assessing the impact of individual sensor reliability within smart living environments (CDN, XH, JH, DDF, KS), pp. 685–690.
ICST-2008-SherriffW #composition #empirical #using- Empirical Software Change Impact Analysis using Singular Value Decomposition (MS, LW), pp. 268–277.
ISSTA-2008-DorLLSW #enterprise #slicing- Customization change impact analysis for erp professionals via program slicing (ND, TLA, SL, MS, DW), pp. 97–108.
CSMR-2006-CanforaC #eclipse #named #plugin- Jimpa: An Eclipse Plug-in for Impact Analysis (GC, LC), pp. 341–342.
ICSM-2006-BreechTP #precise- Integrating Influence Mechanisms into Impact Analysis for Increased Precision (BB, MT, LLP), pp. 55–65.
ICSM-2006-ZalewskiS #library- Change Impact Analysis for Generic Libraries (MZ, SS), pp. 35–44.
MSR-2006-CanforaC #fine-grained #repository- Fine grained indexing of software repositories to support impact analysis (GC, LC), pp. 105–111.
MSR-2006-WalkerHHKS #approach #estimation #lightweight #probability- A lightweight approach to technical risk estimation via probabilistic impact analysis (RJW, RH, IH, PK, AS), pp. 98–104.
DATE-2006-IgnatNSN #classification #operating system #realtime- Soft-error classification and impact analysis on real-time operating systems (NI, BN, YS, GN), pp. 182–187.
WICSA-2005-TangJHN #architecture #design #network #predict- Predicting Change Impact in Architecture Design with Bayesian Belief Networks (AT, YJ, JH, AEN), pp. 67–76.
CSMR-2005-BodhuinT - A Tool for Static and Dynamic Model Extraction and Impact Analysis (TB, MT), p. 193.
CSMR-2005-BreechTP #algorithm #comparison #online- A Comparison of Online and Dynamic Impact Analysis Algorithms (BB, MT, LLP), pp. 143–152.
ICSM-2005-ShinomiT #aspect-oriented #programming #weaving- Impact Analysis of Weaving in Aspect-Oriented Programming (HS, TT), pp. 657–660.
SCAM-2005-EnglishBCL - Measuring the Impact of Friends on the Internal Attributes of Software Systems (ME, JB, TC, KL), pp. 151–160.
SFM-2005-AcquavivaABBBL #formal method #power management #predict- A Methodology Based on Formal Methods for Predicting the Impact of Dynamic Power Management (AA, AA, MB, AB, EB, EL), pp. 155–189.
ICEIS-v1-2005-MoonB #enterprise- Assessing the Impact of Integrating a MES to an ERP System (YBM, VB), pp. 300–304.
SEKE-2005-JonssonW #comprehension #empirical- Understanding Impact Analysis: An Empirical Study to Capture Knowledge on Different Organisational Level (PJ, CW), pp. 707–712.
ICSE-2005-ApiwattanapongOH #performance #precise #sequence #using- Efficient and precise dynamic impact analysis using execute-after sequences (TA, AO, MJH), pp. 432–441.
ICSE-2005-FislerKMT #policy #verification- Verification and change-impact analysis of access-control policies (KF, SK, LAM, MCT), pp. 196–205.
ICSE-2005-RenRST #java #named #source code- Chianti: a change impact analysis tool for java programs (XR, BGR, MS, FT), pp. 664–665.
SAC-2005-AversanoBT #assessment #process- Assessment and impact analysis for aligning business processes and software systems (LA, TB, MT), pp. 1338–1343.
ICSM-2004-BreechDSP #compilation #online- Online Impact Analysis via Dynamic Compilation Technology (BB, AD, SAS, LLP), pp. 453–457.
OOPSLA-2004-RenSTRC #java #named #source code- Chianti: a tool for change impact analysis of java programs (XR, FS, FT, BGR, OCC), pp. 432–448.
ICSE-2004-OrsoALRH #algorithm #comparison #empirical- An Empirical Comparison of Dynamic Impact Analysis Algorithms (AO, TA, JL, GR, MJH), pp. 491–500.
ICSM-2003-BriandLO #modelling #uml- Impact Analysis and Change Management of UML Models (LCB, YL, LO), pp. 256–265.
ICSM-2003-KnethenG #automation #named- QuaTrace: A Tool Environment for (Semi-) Automatic Impact Analysis Based on Traces (AvK, MG), pp. 246–255.
ICEIS-v1-2003-CanforaRV #integration- Business Change Impacts on System Integration (GC, VFR, GV), pp. 28–38.
ESEC-FSE-2003-OrsoAH #testing- Leveraging field data for impact analysis and regression testing (AO, TA, MJH), pp. 128–137.
ICSE-2003-LawR - Whole Program Path-Based Dynamic Impact Analysis (JL, GR), pp. 308–318.
LCTES-2003-ZhaoCS #embedded #optimisation #predict- Predicting the impact of optimizations for embedded systems (MZ, BRC, MLS), pp. 1–11.
ICSM-2002-Bohner #evolution #perspective- Software Change Impacts — An Evolving Perspective (SAB), pp. 263–272.
ICSM-2002-BriandLS #automation #design #testing #uml- Automating Impact Analysis and Regression Test Selection Based on UML Designs (LCB, YL, GS), pp. 252–261.
ICSM-2002-LawR - Path Profile-Based Dynamic Impact Analysis (JL, GR), p. 262.
IWPC-2002-Moonen #lightweight #semiparsing #using- Lightweight Impact Analysis using Island Grammars (LM), pp. 219–228.
ISMM-2002-ShahamKS #java #liveness- Estimating the impact of heap liveness information on space consumption in Java (RS, EKK, SS), pp. 171–182.
ICSM-2001-KrishnaCKCWBR #empirical #incremental #maintenance #spreadsheet #validation- Incorporating Incremental Validation and Impact Analysis into Spreadsheet Maintenance: An Empirical Study (VBK, CRC, DK, JC, CSW, MMB, GR), pp. 72–81.
ICSM-2001-Sneed01a #distributed #maintenance #object-oriented- Impact Analysis of Maintenance Tasks for a Distributed Object-Oriented System (HMS), pp. 180–189.
PASTE-2001-RyderT #object-oriented #source code- Change impact analysis for object-oriented programs (BGR, FT), pp. 46–53.
SAS-2001-DasLFR #optimisation #pointer #scalability- Estimating the Impact of Scalable Pointer Analysis on Optimization (MD, BL, MF, JR), pp. 260–278.
SAC-2000-ShrewsburyN - Reducing the Impact of Software Prefetching on Register Pressure (DWS, CN), pp. 767–773.
CSMR-1999-ChaumunKKL #assessment #object-oriented- A Change Impact Model for Changeability Assessment in Object-Oriented Software Systems (MAC, HK, RKK, FL), pp. 130–138.
ICSM-1999-BriandWL #metric #object-oriented #using- Using Coupling Measurement for Impact Analysis in Object-Oriented Systems (LCB, JW, HL), pp. 475–482.
ICSM-1999-LiF #realtime- Impact Analysis in Real-Time Control Systems (JL, PHF), pp. 443–452.
WCRE-1999-CimitileFV #empirical #validation- A Software Model for Impact Analysis: A Validation Experiment (AC, ARF, GV), p. 212–?.
ICSM-1998-HutchinsG #visual notation- Improving Visual Impact Analysis (MAH, KG), pp. 294–303.
ICSM-1998-MunsonE - Code Churn: A Measure for Estimating the Impact of Code Change (JCM, SGE), p. 24–?.
ICSM-1996-Bohner #perspective #process- Impact analysis in the software change process: a year 2000 perspective (SAB), pp. 42–51.
ICSM-1996-Gallagher #visual notation- Visual Impact Analysis (KG), pp. 52–58.
ICSM-1996-LiO #algorithm #object-oriented- Algorithmic Analysis of the Impact of Changes to Object-Oriented Software (LL, AJO), pp. 171–184.
ICSM-1996-McCrickardA #architecture #case study #visual notation- Assessing the impact of changes at the architectural level: a case study on graphical debuggers (DSM, GDA), p. 59–?.
ICSM-1995-BarrosBEQV #automation- Supporting impact analysis: a semi-automated technique and associated tool (SB, TB, AE, JPQ, JFV), pp. 42–51.
ICSM-1994-AbbattistaLMV #design #empirical- An Experiment on the Effect of Design Recording on Impact Analysis (FA, FL, GM, GV), pp. 253–259.
ICSM-1994-KungGHWTC #identification #maintenance #object-oriented- Change Impact Identification in Object Oriented Software Maintenance (DCK, JG, PH, FW, YT, CC), pp. 202–211.
ICSM-1994-QueilleVWM #case study #maintenance- The Impact Analysis Task in Software Maintenance: A Model and a Case Study (JPQ, JFV, NW, MM), pp. 234–242.
CSM-1993-ArnoldB #comparison #framework #towards- Impact Analysis — Towards a Framework for Comparison (RSA, SAB), pp. 292–301.
ISSTA-1993-Goradia #effectiveness- Dynamic Impact Analysis: A Cost-Effective Technique to Enforce Error-Propagation (TG), pp. 171–181.
ESEC-1991-Voas #predict- A Dynamic Failure Model for Predicting the Impact that a Program Location has on the Program (JMV), pp. 308–331.